
Used Wood Planer Moulders

Ferwood specialises in Used moulder machines and planer machines for furniture production from world-renowned brands. These brands include SCM, Weinig, Wadkin, Homag, Leadermac etc. They are either Used, Second Hand or Reconditioned and Guaranteed.

Surface Moulder 

A wood moulder is a cutting machine used to form wooden workpieces by using profile cutting knives and blades. It is an advanced technical solution for the production of window components, doors, stairs, beads, frames, and furniture moulds. Workpieces such as beams, boards, and panels are accurately cut to the correct size using moulders. It can be used for any manufacturing batches either small or big, ensuring flexibility and productivity.

A moulder may be considered as a subset of a wood planer. 


A planer machine is a common joinery machine used in the initial operation to produce flat and smooth surfaces on square timber and boards. In the second work phase, angularity is accomplished by placing the first straightened surface against the fence for edge planing. As a result, the workpiece is brought to the right shape. Then, the thickness planer will shape it to the right size.

Surface and thickness planer machines combine the two operations into a single machine. However, surface planing is more than just smoothing. The surface planer's planing shaft also generates right-angled edges with the assistance of a joining stop, preparing the workpiece for subsequent joining.

Four side planer is a through-feed planer machine with 4 spindles to plan a workpiece on all four sides. The four side planers are usually used to process rectangular, flat side surfaced workpieces. Surface design, joining, and thickness planing of window profiles, floor planks, and furniture components are the main processes where the four side planer can be utilised.

Wood planer moulder

A planer moulder is a tool for transforming rough-cut wood into a flat planed surface that combines both planing and moulding processes into a single machine.

Ferwood is proud to represent our broad range of Used moulder machines and wood planer machines.

Ferwood’s sales team has decades of experience and knowledge in door and window processing systems for furniture manufacturing. We have a solution for any requirements to manufacture the highest quality products at an affordable investment. We are always available to help tailor the best solution to suit your demands perfectly. Please browse our collection of Used moulder machines, wood planer machines and Wood planer moulders or call today for expert advice.